Do Not Miss 2016 Week 34
The Faun, Black Sun MiniaturesWe are in love with the concept and execution of this bust. Roman Van den Bogaert and Ben Komets work...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 33
Juju Black Soul by Lucas Pina (Black Crow Miniatures)The latest creation by Lucas Pina for the company Black Crow Miniatures is this amazing Goblin...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 32
Dragon Slayer by Joaquin PalaciosJoaquin Palacios does not rest! Another new incredible creation from the Spanish sculptor for Black Sun Miniatures.
Dragon Slayer Step by...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 31
German WWII Infantrymen by Kirill KanaevKirill is the true master of textures. He has just updated his Putty and Paint account showing all of...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 30
Celtic Cornicer by Kirill Kanaev, Young MiniaturesThe quality of Kirill Kanaev's textures and painting is completely unrivaled in our little miniature world.
William Wallace by...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 29
Sapper Foot Grenadiers of the Guard, Nuts PlanetWhat a wonderful sculpture of this sapper by Jun-Sik Ahn for Nuts Planet.
White painting tutorial in Massive...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 28
Mercenary Tom by Raffaele PiccaThis new version of Major Tom is a wonderful demonstration of what can be achieved on a miniature with just...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 27
Alarielle, Games WorkshopThe Sylvaneth come to Age of Sigmar, and the star of them all is Alarielle The Everqueen, sculpted by Seb Perbet and...
Top general considerations for metallic painting in miniatures
Metallic surfaces are difficult to represent with paint. This is because of how metals interact with light. The way they reflect light makes metals similar...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 26
French Imperial Guard Grenadier by Kirill Kanaev
Box art by Kirill Kanaev of this French Grenadier bust for the Korean company Young Miniatures. Another superb...