Friday, March 14, 2025

Do Not Miss 2024 Week 1

The Sleeping Sword by Olivier VilloingtA fantastic and charismatic character sculpted in Monster Clay. Palace of Medusa by John ChanJohn's version of the kit from...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 52

Fallen Angel, Karol Rudyk MiniaturesThe full model version painted by Michal Pisarski 'Lan'. Daelar, Hera ModelsDigitally sculpted by Francisco Rodriguez based on art by Blocsánchez. Tibetan...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 51

Ahriman by Joaquín PalaciosDigitally sculpted on commission. Onorata, AbyssoulSculpted by Romain Van den Bogaert, painted by Alessandro Natale. Gulk, the Skullcrasher, Terrible Kids StuffDigitally sculpted by...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 50

The King of the Ice by Mike BlankMike's first incursion into the world of fantasy art, we can't wait to see more from him. Mercenary...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 49

The Fighter, Masclans MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Hugo Gómez Briones, painted by Marc Masclans. Stolen Star by Moses YaoMoses' version of the original work by Jodie...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 48

The Storyteller, Black Crow MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Joaquín Palacios based on a design by Juan Luis Landa, painted by Arnau Lázaro. Bearserker, Aradia MiniaturesDigitally sculpted...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 47

Dwarf by Kirill KanaevKirill's work on commission on this printed bust from freedom3d_lzn. Fhunrir, Baobab MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Juan Nahuel Novelletto based on concept by...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 46

The Kiss of Beatrice by Moses Yao and Leila KhaliliDigitally sculpted by Leila Khalili based on art by Roberto Ferri, painted by Moses Yao. Zariyah...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 45

The rescue of Kinmont Willie, Scotland 1596 by Maurizio Bruno and Danilo CartacciHistorical diorama winner of BoS at Monte San Savino 2023. Monte San Savino...

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 44

Goblins, Blacksun MiniaturesSculpted by Patrick Masson based on art by Adrian Smith, painted by Erik Swinson. Historix, Scale75Cartoon busts with a historical twist, a project...
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Do Not Miss 2022 Week 48

Do Not Miss 2021 Week 34