Do Not Miss 2019 Week 6


Espectacular depiction of the original illustration that appears on the cover of the Space Marines Codex from Warhammer 40k.

David’s festive version of a Nurgle bagpiper is both beautiful and hilarious.

Photos of the 2019 edition of the legendary Danish modellers gathering, by Richard Sharp. Make sure you check the full photo report in Richard’s facebook as this link is just for Part 1.

Amazing paintjob of this Alien inspired version of the Black Sun model originally sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.

An old tutorial that Roman had in store for our pleasure and learning.

Sculpted by Luke Starkie, painted by Roman Lappat.

The classic duel between Gandalf and the Balrog using Games Workshop models never goes out of fashion.

Such a cool miniature depiction of The Penguin based on the Batman movie from Tim Burton.

Cool freehands on yet another version of this excellent bust from Nocturna Models.

Sculpted for Aradia Miniatures based on a concept by Stefano Moroni.

Mirko’s painted version of the Aradia miniatures release sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.

Powerful historical scene, painted over a sculpture by Sergey Radilov.

Alex’s version of the outstanding troll from Pedro Fernández Works.

Boxart for Altores Studio, painted using oils.

Sculpted by Paolo Fabiani, 45mm tall.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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