Do Not Miss 2017 Week 4


We ignore the title of this miniature but we are always amazed by Jaume’s painting skills.

A long awaited miniature from the company Creature Caster.

Instructive and eye opener article on how to paint Space Marines in a very fast way starting with the grisaille technique, in Massive Voodoo.

We love animal painting, and this is a great portrait of a buffalo by Roman Lappat.

Extraordinary colours on this Sarah Fortune from Kimera Models.

Very interesting dwarf bust sculpted by Giorgos for Kyle Cruickshank and his company.

The third miniature from the Harry Potter range revealed by Knightmodels.

Apparently the Eldar world gets shaken during this Warhammer 40k campaign, and the miniatures released with it are remarkable.

Great new release for Age of Sigmar, painted beautifully by ‘eavy Metal painter Max Faleij.

Did we say already that we love Marina Ainagoz’s versions of Kingdom Death pinups?

Dave Thomas sculpts these dwarfs for the Blood Bowl game, and the painting is by Borja Garcia.

It’s always useful to read a painters thoughts, this time Patryk shares his views on bust painting, in

Nice little vampire painted by Robert Carlsson from Grimlord Games.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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