Saturday, March 15, 2025

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 24

British Staff Surgeon 1810 by Kirill Kanaev A jawdropping 75mm boxart for Castle Miniatures. Aerith by Ivan Melnikov Nakatan builds this scene from scratch, based on the...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 23

Mirmillon 90mm boxart for Pegaso by Kirill Kanaev The use of colour to represent metals in this model works wonders for this model. Zombicide Green Horde...

Games Workshop’s unfulfilled promises for Golden Demon 2017

Once again we attended the Golden Demon competition in the UK. This 2017 edition was an important occasion. One that somehow aspired to refreshen...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 22

Tyrant by Jacques-Alexandre Gillois Jacques-Alexandre in all its glory, for the game 'Hate' by CMON. WWII RAF Spitfire pilot 1/10 boxart by Kirill Kanaev for Young...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 20

Magnus The Red by KAHA Katarzyna Gorska A huge miniature painted beautifully by KAHA. French Revolutionary Fusilier by Kirill Kanaev Historical miniatures by the master hand of...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 19

Sko, the Elephant Man by Allan CarrascoAllan never lets anyone down. This is another of those incredible hybrid creatures created by the French Master....

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 18

Orc on Wolf by Marc MasclansMarc's amazing boxart for Terrible Kids Stuff. A miniature originally sculpted by Allan Carrasco, based on a concept by...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 17

Marcus by Joaquín Palacios for Black Sun Miniatures"Marcus", another outstanding creation from Freeman, sculpted for Black Sun Miniatures in Super Sculpey and Fimo, 75mm. Ultramarines...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 16

Hoeman The Barbarian by Andy Wardle Extraordinary and smooth painting on the barbarian from Black Sun. Black Sloth Hell inspired elves by Julian Asgard Such a creative...

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 15

Shadow Caste Goliath by Patrick Masson We never grow tired of all the sculptures Patrick is creating for Dark Age. Orc on Boar, Black Sun Miniatures Sculpted...
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Do Not Miss 2020 Week 40

Do Not Miss 2023 Week 37

Do Not Miss 2017 Week 36