How to paint the High Elves Swordmasters of Hoeth by Volomir
More elven tutorials for the Spire of Dawn / High Elves comeback in Today the complete tutorial on how to paint the Swordmasters...
Do Not Miss 2017 Week 4
Historical miniature by Jaume OrtizWe ignore the title of this miniature but we are always amazed by Jaume's painting skills.
Spider DemonA long awaited miniature...
Do Not Miss 2017 Week 3
Rozok The Beastmaster and Mounted Savage Beauty by Joaquin Palacios for Black Sun Miniatures
Huge kit sculpted by Joaquín Palacios in two versions, one with...
50 Articles and Tutorials to ‘Do not Miss’ from 2016
The year 2016 has left us a lot of great articles, tutorials and photo processes that are very valuable. This is a list of...
Do Not Miss 2017 Week 2
Lord of Change by Games WorkshopA long awaited release by Tzeentch lovers everywhere. Huge!
Sharki the Loyal by Rodrigo CiprésRodrigo is making a great use...
Do Not Miss 2017 Week 1
Thor vs Hulk, painting by Sergio Calvo
The paintjob by Sergio on the piece sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.
Thor vs Hulk, sculpture by Joaquín Palacios
Truly epic...
50 Miniatures and Releases to ‘Do not Miss’ from 2016
The year 2016 has left us a lot of great pieces, miniatures, sculptures and paintings that are absolutely remarkable. This is a list of...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 52
Desolation Angel, Terrible Kids StuffTerrible Kids Stuff has just teased us with this incredible sculpture by Andrea Jula on the very well known artwork...
High Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth by Volomir
As part of the Spire of Dawn Christmas in, here comes the Swordmasters of Hoeth, the elite of the High Elves from Volomir's army. More...
Do Not Miss 2016 Week 51
Elf Rider, Spira Mirabilis
Lucas Pina strikes back with this dynamic bust in his very own personal style, a new treat he has been working...