Sunday, September 8, 2024
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The Warmaster's Crusade

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Enemies of the Imperium Checkpoint 3

After the defeat of half of the Imperium Warmasters, it's the turn of the Enemies. What was their fate in such an important moment of...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Allies – Checkpoint 2

We close this late update of Checkpoint 2 in The Warmasters' Crusade with the following showcase of the work done by the Allies in...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Enemies of the Imperium Checkpoint 2

In this late update of the Checkpoint 2, it's time now to check what the Enemies of the Imperium have achieved, reporting their progress...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Imperium Checkpoint 2

We are quite late this month bringing you the updates of the campaign. Several very life changing personal events happening to people in the...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Allies – Checkpoint 1

We are coming closer and closer to Checkpoint 2 in The Warmasters' Crusade, and while major updates await us at the middle of the...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Enemies of the Imperium Checkpoint 1

It's' time for the Enemies of the Imperium, reporting their achievements in this first month. Enemies of the Imperium Checkpoint 1 Let's check in order of...