The 3 Triumvirates – Games Workshop


Some months ago Games Workshop  started to prepare what today is a reality: the storyline in Warhammer 40,000 progressed, prior to the coming of 8th edition. This tale left us very important events like the return of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, Saint Celestine in Cadia’s greatest hour of need or the Eldar avatar of the Ynnead dead. Yncarne.
This step forward in the background was backed with new and spectacular miniatures, and today we want to show you the three kits that we believe are a must in the cabinet of any collector.

The 3 Triunvirates all together: Triumvirate of the Imperium, Triumvirate of the primarch and Triumvirate of Ynnead.

Analysis of the 3 Triunvirates  – Games Workshop

As usual we will concentrate on the miniatures launched by Games Workshop to represent the 3 Triunvirates. Once again, our colleagues from the Galician store Metrópolis Comics shared these 3 jewels and we are going to check them out one by one. Let’s begin!

Triunvirate of the Imperium

This box brings 5 miniatures representing Saint Celestine with her 2 Germinae Superia, Belisarius Cawl and the Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax.

The presentation in a double box comes with an extensive leaflet with assembly instructions and a full coloured image of the triunvirate.

Just below we finde the sprues of the miniatures. We miss just a bit of protection for the sprues, something very typical of Games Workshop boxes.

Let’s see the sprues in detail…

Triunvirate of Ynnead

The second box brings 3 miniatures representing the next characters: The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead; Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead; and The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead.
Same packaging as before. Collector’s quality and impressive finishes.
The illustrations are luxurious and the leaflets are very clear and simple to understand, probably some of the bext instructions we have seen in models and miniatures all around.

The same arrangement for the sprues. I still say that I am not very happy with the lack of further protection.

Sprues detail. Crazy details in each piece…

Triumvirate of the Primarch

The third box brings 3 miniatures representing the next characters: Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines; Cypher, Lord of the Fallen; and Grand Master Voldus, Warden of the Librarius.

Just as before the box follows the same line. This is the image that I personally like the most out of the 3 boxes.

The sprues out of the box, again in the same arrangement as the previous ones.

Crisp and extensive use of details everywhere.


The 3 Triunvirates is one of the products that Games Workshop has released lately where they show huge care for detail. These boxes are a must for every fan of the Nottingham company. A clear display of how the current quality of the plastic sprues is top of the market and at the same time giving great importance to the background events happening in Warhammer 40,000.

All the sculptures fit perfectly, easy to clean mold lines, spectacular poses and outstanding general quality overall.


  • Careful detail to the extreme.
  • Comfortable material to work with. The plastic that Games Workshop is working with outranking the rest of materials in most cases.
  • Luxurious presentation, the graphical material they come with is a treasure on its own.
  • Clear and simple assembly instructions.


  • Complex assembly requires intensive study of the miniatures to paint them without further problems.
  • Price, despite fair, is high.
  • As if I did not state if before, the sprues should come better protected.

You can find these marvels in Games Workshop’s website, in the Warhammer 40,000 section. If you happen to be around Galicia in Spain, of course, we do recommend you guys to try out Metropolis Comics. They collaborated for this review to happen, and we are sure that you will have a great experience with them.

Esculpting Detail
Poses and Expressions
Pieces and Assembly
Unconditionally passionate about our hobby, Norberto Álvarez has been in love with figures and static modeling since he was 11 years old. Nor is an active and enterprising collaborator of many projects related to our community, contributing with ideas, work on social networks and the Internet. A regular in national events wherever they are, huge advocate of hobbying with good beer and friends ;)


  1. Thanks for the excellent review! I’m ashamed to say that I bought the Triumvirate of the Imperium some time back, but I have still not gotten around to opening the box! I didn’t realize that they had a nice art piece and booklet inside. I’m looking forward to framing that mini poster, and hanging it in the studio or gaming room somewhere.

    It’s nice that GW is coming out with these special little collector’s sets that you can also play games with. With so much competition in the miniature gaming / painting world, I think it shows that they are still working hard at staying on top.

  2. Thanks for comment Kelly! Go a get your mini poster in a frame!!
    Well, I think that this kind of kits are for collectors, a real jewels that will gain with the past of years. They are really good miniatures, and I am pleasured too that GW (and not FW xD) decided to produce this kind of kits.


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