A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 Destruction Alliance updates
To finish up with Checkpoint 2 of the campaign, let's take a look in detail about what the members of House Destruction have done.
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 5 results and deadline changes
It's been a while since out last udpate! We owe you some fresh news from the Warlords!
During the past few weeks, the supreme Warlord Council...
A Tale of 12 Warlords… the Age of Sigmar painting campaign expands!
We bring you some news from 'A Tale of 9 Warlords'!
The painting campaign idea has been a complete success among our nurtured group of...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 3 painted points results
August is normally a month for holidays in many countries in the northern hemisphere. But not for the Warlords! The deadline for the dreaded...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 Order Alliance updates
To complete the progress from this first Checkpoint, let's take a look at that the members of the Order Alliance have done.
Aliance Order Checkpoint...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 4 painted points results
It's already been a month since the definitive Checkpoint 3 and the Warlords are probably suffering from painting hangover. The mid campaign milestone was...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 6 Order Alliance updates
The end has come! Let's how the Warlords have behaved at the end of the campaign, let's begin with the remaining Order guys:
Alliance Order...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 Chaos Alliance updates
It's time now to check in detail what the members of the Chaos hordes have been able to accomplish.
Chaos Alliance Checkpoint 1
Our evil friends...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 painted points results
Our deepest apologies! The 12+1 Warlords reached the second checkpoint on July 15, but real world work and trips have prevented us from updating the...
A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 painted points results
The 12+1 Warlords have just reported the results of their progress until this checkpoint. We just closed the first month of the campaign!
Checkpoint 1
Let's first...